domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008

Crap car

"In 1937 the arrest of the renowned aircraft designer Tupolev, on suspicion of sabotage, shocked the world of aviation. He was imprisoned not in the gulag but in his on institute in Moscow, along with his entire design team, and forced to continue his work under conditions of slavery. They slept in dormitories under armed guard, but were fed the finest meat and plenty of fish, for it was believed the brain needed good nourishment in order to perform. For an hour or so each day, the engineers were allowed into a caged enclosure on the roof of the institute fo recreation. From here they could sometimes watch the aeroplanes they had designed wheeling in the sky high above them."

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Hand Sky

Li Wei sees his art as a mission to set the scene for the perfect photograph and a perfect performance.

sábado, 23 de agosto de 2008

First Love, Last Rites

"Not the watching kind, I was never a watcher, I had no interest in spotting and tracking and classifying, all that would have beyond me, and would had bored me, besides; no, I could hardly distinguish one species from another, and knew little and cared less about their history or habits. I could find their nests, though, that was my specialty. It was a matter of patience, alertness, quickness of eye, and something else, a capacity to be at one with the tiny creatures I was tracking to their lairs. A savant whose name for the moment I forget has posited as a refutation of something or another the assertion that it is impossible for a human being to imagine fully what it would be like to be a bat. I take this point in general, but I believe I could have given him a fair account of such creaturehood when a I was young and still part animal myself.

I was not cruel, I would not kill a bird or steal its eggs, certainly not. What drove me was curiosity, the simple passion to know something of the secrets of other, alien lives."

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008

Land Art

Rivers and Tides - Andy Goldsworthy .

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2008

lunes, 4 de agosto de 2008

La computadora del Creador

"Pasó junto al instructor y cuando estaba a unos tres o cuatro pasos de distancia volvió hacia él la cabeza, sonrió, e hizo con el brazo un gesto de despedida. ¡En ese momento se me encogió el corazón! ¡Aquella sonrisa y aquel gesto pertenecían a una mujer de veinte años! Su brazo se elevó en el aire con encantadora ligereza. Era como si lanzara a aire un balón de colores para jugar con su amante. Aquella sonrisa y aquel gesto tenían encanto y elegancia, mientras que el rostro y el cuerpo ya no tenían encanto alguno. Era el encanto del gesto, ahogado en la falta de elegancia del cuerpo ... ...

Sí así lo entendí en aquel momento, pero me equivocaba. El gesto no descubrió en aquella señora esencia alguna, más bien podría decirse que aquella señora me dio a conocer el encanto de un gesto. Y es que el gesto no puede ser considerado como una expresión del individuo, como una creación suya (porque no hay individuo que sea capaz de crear un gesto totalmente original y que sólo a él le corresponda), ni siquiera puede ser considerado como su instrumento; por el contrario son más bien los gestos los que nos utilizan como sus instrumentos, sus portadores, sus encarnaciones."